Grand opening ceremony
Numerous guests from the steel industry, politics and economy attended the grand opening of Big River Steel's new steelworks, also present among them was Asa Hutchinson, Governor of the State of Arkansas.
The official grand opening took place some months after the production start of the plant. The first facilites had been the batch annealing furnaces and the temper mill already started in March 2016. In December 2016, steelmaking and CSP® plant had their first heat and first coil.
We are very satisfied with the progress of our new steel mill complex. Having SMS group by our side we are sure to achieve our ambitious project targets.

The good production start is the result of a strong and trusting partnership. Since SMS group is a supplier of the complete process chain, it was able to meet the challenge of providing this complex with all required mechanical equipment as well as electrical and automation systems. Harmonized process sequences and technologies are basis and proof of the good ramp-up curve. For the first time, SMS group supplied the complete know-how needed to produce the latest steel grades.