Advanced unit rectifier assembly
The X-Pact® AURA as Advanced Unit Rectifier Assembly is designed to achieve efficient and stable power controller to feed DC arc furnaces in all power networks configurations, including weak grids. Based on modern IGBT technology, the new design achieves world class performances in terms of current stability, dynamic performances, efficiency, reliability, redundancy and minimum impact on electric network quality. In most cases, no SVC or Statcom is required to fulfill IEEE 519 standards.

Customer challenges addressed
- Reducing the impact on the power grid
- Avoiding the installation of expensive SVC or STATCOM
- Having a faster and precise energy input regulation
- Reducing electrical energy consumption
- Reducing electrode’s consumption
- Increase the availability of EAF even in presence of single failures
- Reducing the spare part’s stock
- Scale-up productivity
- Setting an architecture ready to accept connection to renewable power sources