HFH-type press
Hydromec utilized its vast experience in the hydraulic steel press sector to develop the new HFH-type hydraulic presses with high-level technological solutions tailored to the demands of brass and aluminum forging. The HFH-presses cover the 200 ton to 1,000 ton range and are designed to forge flat pieces, core-horizontal pieces using two impression dies, and feature multiple orthogonal or angular punching, independent stroke and force adjustment, automatic sub-press changes, lubrication, and die cooling integrated in the system.
This new Hydromec hydraulic press can deliver performance levels that represent a 100 % capacity increase compared to a traditional mechanical press. The performance of the hydraulic 400 ton model is equivalent to a mechanical press with a capacity of around 800 tons.
- Flashless forging of extremely large, complex parts
- Greater spectrum of shapes thanks to independent electronic programming of the press forces and strokes of each ram