Blast furnace Level-2 process control and optimization system
BFXpert is an integrated Level-2 process control and operator guidance system for superior blast furnace operation. It leverages artificial intelligence to take process optimization to the next level towards an autonomous blast furnace.
The system combines the best available process know-how with the most extensive expertise in blast furnace design and iron making equipment on a common platform. Thereby, BFXpert considers the great complexity of blast furnace operations and therefore provides a multifaceted, integrated approach to ensure a safe, ecological and economical operation of the iron making process.
This way BFXpert enables to achieve the target production at optimized cost and ensures a long life campaign.

Customer challenges addressed
- Possess best available blast furnace process know-how, which is centralized at one place and supports especially new generation of blast furnace operators and engineers
- Allow local engineers to compute new in-house ML calculations by using Artificial Intelligence
- Mitigate CO2 emissions by lowering fuel rate and optimizing blast furnace processes
- Decrease hot metal production cost by stabilizing liquid products, lowering fuel rate and improving downtime of equipment