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Massive capacity increase for the hot strip mill of Habaş A.S

Aliağa site of Habaş near Izmir

Mission completed

The extension of the hot strip mill (HSM) from Habaş A.S to a high-capacity HSM is completed. On November 30, 2023, the Turkish steel producer awarded the Final Acceptance Certificate (FAC) to SMS group. The additional downcoiler was successfully implemented in early 2023. The roughing mill area was upgraded by implementation of a second roughing stand (R1) with attached edger (E1) in autumn 2023. The road from hot commissioning to the final acceptance was short and challenging, but the highly committed project team was able to cope with it to the high satisfaction of Habaş A.S.

Additional downcoiler and extension of roughing mill

The new downcoiler (DC3) is identical in design to the existing ones (DC1 and DC2). Downcoiler 3 is able to handle the complete range of hot strip grades and sizes, including strips in pipe grades of up to 25.4 millimeters thickness – thanks to its very robust design.

SMS group upgraded the roughing mill area by implementation of a second roughing stand (R1) with attached edger (E1). The new equipment is arranged upstream to the existing roughing mill.

During the first scheduled shutdown in summer 2023, the housings of the new roughing mill stand and edger were successfully positioned in the mill line. The second shutdown took place in September 2023. The objective of this final shutdown was fully achieved by completion of the erection and commissioning of the edger and the roughing stand. On September 29, 2023, the first transfer bar was successfully rolled on E1/R1.

Thanks to a high-performance CFR system for camber-free rolling, the transfer bar is perfectly straight. It is based on the effective interplay between the heavy side guides in front and behind the roughing mill and the control system X-Pact® Camber Free Rolling in the automation system. The control system keeps the rolls parallel and, together with the slab tension, ensures a transverse material flow in the roll gap.

At the end of the first scheduled shutdown, edger and roughing mill are installed on their final position within the hot rolling mill
The first transfer bar was successfully rolled on September 29th, 2023. Thanks to Camber Free Rolling, the transfer bar is perfectly straight.

High-performance automation

All the new installations were seamlessly integrated into the existing X-Pact® automation system. This was enabled by the modular and open structure, and the harmonized tool environment of the system.

To the new set-up of the mill, the existing Level 2 automation functions were expanded. At the same time, the X-Pact® Plant Pacing maximizes the output and the overall mill productivity according to the ambitious modernization target of the high-performance hot strip mill. This allows Habaş to adapt themselves to changing and increasingly demanding market requirements and to increase its competitiveness by more flexible production.

The X-Pact® automation packages supplied by SMS group also included the necessary Level-1 components, sensors and measuring devices. The X-Pact® Vision HMI and visualization system was enhanced and tailored to the new configuration of the mill.

The seamless integration of the equipment was successfully achieved during the X-Pact® Plug & Work integration test. For this purpose, the existing 3D simulation of the hot strip mill commissioned in 2014 was adapted to the new set-up. This digital commissioning of the automation equipment and the future-oriented structure of the SMS group’s X-Pact® automation were the basis for successful commissioning and a steep ramp-up curve of the plant.

A lifecycle partnership

SMS group offers #lifecyclepartnerhip solutions to improve the plant productivity, the plant efficiency, the product quality or to expand the product mix of existing rolling mills.

With this upgrade, Habaş is able to boost the mill capacity by 80% from 2.5 to 4.5 million tons per year. As well as carbon steels, the product range may now include HSLA steels, pipe grades and multi-phase steels. The mill is able to process slabs of up to 225 mm thickness, up to 2,100 mm width and up to 12 meters length, and produce hot strip between 700 and 2,100 millimeters wide and between 1.2 and 25.4 mm thick.

Thanks to the SMS group modernization expertise and a comprehensive shutdown planning, the integration of the new equipment and the automation systems went smoothly and the plant shutdown time was reduced to a minimum. All shutdowns were scheduled in close cooperation with Habaş and daily coordination meetings enabled flexible time optimization. The rapid restart of production also contributed to the satisfaction of Habaş. A professional project management and construction site management with experienced personnel and the close alignment and good cooperation with Habaş were the recipe for this success. Habaş is confident that it will be able to rely on SMS group as a partner, even after the FAC has been issued.

Habaş A. S has relied on the SMS group hot rolling technology since entering the flat steel business in 2014. The plant is equipped with a mandrel-less coilbox that is installed upstream the finishing mill to equalize the temperature over the transfer bar length. The coilbox and the SMS group high performance automation systems enable Habaş to produce highest shares of thin hot strip in the challenging thickness range of 1.2 to 2.0 mm – unrivaled on conventional hot strip mills.

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