New dimensions – The project is well underway
Representatives of Steel Dynamics Inc. came to Germany to discuss details of the recently signed contract with SMS group and visited SMS group’s locations in Germany.
Shortly after the contracts for the mega project in Texas had been signed, a high-ranking delegation of Steel Dynamics Inc. visited the SMS group locations in Düsseldorf, Mönchengladbach and Hilchenbach. The delegation stayed several days at each location to discuss details of the project.
In Mönchengladbach, Gunnar Böttcher, Sales Additive Manufacturing and Powder Metallurgy, showed the guests from the U.S.A. and SMS group representatives in charge of the project around the powder atomization plant, explaining, among others, the crucial role of the powder quality in 3D printing.The guests were eager to ask questions about the production process, which Gunnar Böttcher was happy to answer. Summarizing this first part of the tour, he states: “The group showed great interest in our powder pulverization plant and I got the impression that the guests from SDI greatly enjoyed the opportunity to see this new technology live for the very time.”
The tour continued with a visit of the workshop. Tino Stiels, Head of Assembly, accompanied the guests through the various production halls. “The visitors showed enormous interest in our facilities. They were deeply impressed by our production capabilities,” comments Tino Stiels.
The tour was concluded with a visit of the test center. Blagoje Uscumlic and Matthias Tornow, representing the Business Unit Electrical and Automation Systems, explained the Plug-and-Work tests, how they are employed and what benefits they provide for the customers. Again, the guests were extremely interested in the technology and eager to learn more about it.
Glenn Pushis, Senior Vice President – Special Projects at SDI, summarizes his impressions from the visit of the SMS group facilities in Mönchengladbach: “This is my first visit to Mönchengladbach, and I‘m really impressed. Everything is very professional. It has been a great experience to see the SMS group test center, and I’m very happy for my colleagues who will soon be working intensively with this great technology.”
Frank Benner, responsible for the SDI project on the SMS group side, adds: “We had many meetings on every day of the visit. But not least the tours of our facilities allowed SDI to get to know us – and our products and services – even better and see how we manage and implement our projects to the full satisfaction of our customers.”